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Christian Formation

Life Of Jesus

[Christian Formation]
Media: Video, Audio, Scripts
Episodes: 184
Martin Charlesworth is going through the entire life of Jesus based on all the gospels in 184 episodes.
The episodes are supported by written scripts and study questions.
The Spreading Flame

[Christian Formation]
Media: Video, Audio, Scripts
Episodes: 47
Martin Charlesworth is going through Acts of the Apostles in 47 episodes.
The episodes are supported by written scripts and study questions.
The Bible Project

[Christian Formation]
Media: Video, Audio
Get access to resources from The Bible Project. The resources are available in many languages. You can visit the Bible Project website to see the available resources. Reach out to us if there are particular resources you would like on TheWell and we will make them available.
Christian Stewardship

[Christian Formation]
English, French, Spanish
Church Practice

God's Unfailing Love

[Church Practice]
English, French, Spanish
Media: Video, Audio, PDF
Lessons: 3
“God’s Unfailing Love during Time of Suffering” was originally designed during the Covid pandemic. The course can be used in many other similar situations where people are going through times of suffering.
This is an independent course.
The course is delivered as video enhancements, PDFs and can be accessed on the media library and as a Moodle course (for enrolled participants).
Contact DECIBEL Training to learn more about the course or visit their website: www.decibel.training.
Great Things With God

[Church Practice]
English, French, Spanish
Media: Video, Audio, PDF
Lessons: 2
Great Things With God is an introductory course to all the courses developed by Timothy Leadership Training Program. This course has been developed as an audio/visual enhancement by DECIBEL Training.
It is mandatory to begin with this two-lesson course before proceeding with any other course in Timothy Leadership Training basic certificate programme.
Caring For God's People

[Church Practice]
English, French, Spanish
Media: Video, Audio, PDF
Lessons: 9
Caring For God’s People is the first course in the Timothy Leadership Training Program’s basic certificate. This course has been developed as an audio/visual enhancement by DECIBEL Training.
This course helps you learn find ways to care for and reach out to other people.
Christian Stewardship

[Church Practice]
English, French, Spanish
Media: Video, Audio, PDF
Lessons: 9
Christian Stewardship is the second course in the Timothy Leadership Training Program’s basic certificate. This course has been developed as an audio/visual enhancement by DECIBEL Training.
This course helps you explore your God-given gifts to better serve as stewards of creation.
From Harm To Harmony

[Church Practice]
English, French, Spanish
Media: Video, Audio, PDF
Lessons: 10
From Harm To Harmony is the final course in Timothy Leadership Training’s basic certificate programme. This course has been developed into a audio/visual enhancement by DECIBEL Training.
This course helps you overcome harmful and violent behaviours and understand how to help those most vulnerable and abused.

Caring For God's People

Christian Stewardship

Theological Knowledge

Third Millennium: Foundations Certificate

[Theological Knowledge]
Media: Video, Moodle Courses
The Foundations Certificate provides foundational courses in theology, as well as in Old Testament and New Testament.
Third Millennium:
Certificate in Biblical Studies

[Theological Knowledge]
Media: Video, Moodle Courses
The second certificate covers additional courses in the Old Testament and New Testament.
Third Millennium: Certificate in Theological Studies

[Theological Knowledge]
Media: Video, Moodle Courses
This third certificate covers additional courses ranging from systematic theology to Christian ethics.

Gospel Propagation

Adama's Dream

English, French, Themne, Mende, Krio
Media: Video
Duration: 34:42 minutes
This short film was produced in Sierra Leone by a team from Create International. It is about a young woman in a local village and her journey to become a follower of Christ.
Jesus Film Project

Multiple languages
Media: Video, audio
Get access to resources from Jesus Film Projct (a Cru Ministry).
The collection includes:
– The Story of Jesus for Children
– Magdalena: Released from Shame
– My Last Day
– Walking with Jesus
– Following Jesus
– Rivka
– The Story of Jesus (audio)
Easy English Bible


Community Life